Is it ok to drink more than 12 glasses of lemonade in 1 day
Hello everyone,
I started a new
Master-Cleanse last Saturday, and now, on day 3, I found that I was getting hungrier than the last time I did it.
Last time, I did it during my vacation. But this time, I have to work, and that means I need to be pretty active. I have to use my voice a lot, and I need to stand up and walk around a lot too. Not to mention travelling (walk/take the train to get to work), with all my stuff in my backpack.
Every website I visit says: "If you get hungry/don't want to lose weight, just drink more lemonade!
You can drink up to 12 glasses a day".
Here's the thing though... I ALREADY drink 12 glasses a day, but I STILL get hungry. So, I want to know if it's alright to drink more than that. Maybe 14 glasses, maybe 16. Less than 18 for sure, but definitely more than 12.
"Drink whenever you get hungry"... but if I'm only allowed 12 glasses, that means I'd run out of lemonade by 4pm, and be hungry all evening.
And yes, I'm talking about real hunger, not just "want to eat because I'm bored"-fake-hunger (I've experienced both and I can tell the difference).
I also drink a lot of water already, but that doesn't stop the hunger. Plus I constantly have to go to the bathroom, and that's annoying.