Re: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, these doctors are useless! need your help
The Don,
It's clear that you've been trying a rather broad spectrum of supplements and different approaches to tackle your current health issues. However, as others have suggested, drinking alcohol and continuing to eat rich, processed food will almost certainly hamper your progress.
Do you consume much cow dairy? Throughout my teenage years and into my early twenties I had a constantly blocked, stuffy nose. I also loved drinking milk and eating cheese, yoghurt, cream etc. One day I read an article linking dairy to mucus production and congestion, so decided to try removing all dairy from my diet. Within a few days I was able to breath through my nose again...fantastic! Just to check, I resumed eating yoghurt, cheese, and drinking milk again, and sure enough, within a few days I was congested.
I'm not suggesting that you are lactose intolerant, or that you even have an allergy to dairy, but it might be worth trying for a week or so, just to see if your health improves.
Finally, I would recommend you take it easy for a while, physically. I know it's tough when you're in your mid 20s, and you want to keep yourself looking good, and in great physical condition etc. However, if you're experiencing health-related issues, it could be your body simply telling you that you need rest. Unfortunately I didn't listen, and just powered-on regardless. Not so long ago (I'm 30 now) I was a really keen cyclist and would sometimes go out riding in the cold wind and rain just 'to do my daily 30km' - thinking that if I didn't ride I'd loose my strength. In reality the opposite is true: your body needs rest in order to remain strong. Even if you really enjoy lifting weights and going running, and believe it makes you feel good, you're also putting a fair bit of stress on your body - which if it's already strung out - can potentially do damage.
Honestly man, give yourself a rest for a few weeks/months, and see how you feel. If you don't want to be sluggish, go out for walks, go swimming at your local pool, but be gentle on yourself. You're not going to lose all your muscle overnight, and the gym will still be there in a few months time when you're better. Being an athlete isn't just about physical power - it's also about understanding and listening to your body.
Best of luck!