Re: Foods for gall bladder pain...
I know it is scary at first. I was so afraid to eat anything in case that terrible pain came back. Well, it hasn't for 4 months. I also had pancreatitis. For that I took grated beets, grated ginger, and grated cucumber. My levels went back to normal within two days. Now I basically eat a vegan diet, apple juice, no nuts, no raw food (supposedly bad for gallstones) except a fruit here and there, no alcohol,and extremely low fat. I was also trying to eat gluten free, because there is a theory that that causes gallstones. But then my diet was too limited, so I added back in bread. Lots of vegetable soups, oatmeal, brown rice, and legumes (said to be very good for gallstones.) I did just add in some veggie sandwiches this week-end, but the avocado caused some twinges in my gallbladder. Hopefully, as I get better, my diet can expand. But, I've gotten used to it now, and it isn't too bad.