Good morning, I started Master-Cleanse with first cup of Yogi Tea Get Regular Monday night, it is Thursday morning now. I decided to stop the tea after being wakened by cramps each morning due to the lax. tea. Also, I distrust using any laxatives due to concerns of compromising digestive system later. Otherwise, I am following Master-Cleanse by the letter. I am wondering if I should drink a second SWD this evening to replace the tea? Someone mentioned a concern with SWD removing electrolytes, is that reason to stick to one SWD daily?
Otherwise, all is well, no headaches, pains, or aches (other than from tea). I am glad I went off caffeine a month ago. I recommend going off caffeine before starting Master-Cleanse to avoid caffeine splitting headaches. I have done numerous cleanses / fasts over the last 20 years but first time to do MC by the "book". I plan to do 10 days cleanse now and a longer cleanse in January, depending on how this goes.