can anyone guide me on how to remove a benign tumor naturally
It is a parathyroid tumor and having a hard time with doctors.
It is causing 22 illnesses and symptoms (out of 26 possible symptoms)I have from functioning ones like clinical depression, severe anxiety, sleep problems,. lack of concentration, exhaustion and fatigue to things like osteoporosis, high blood pressure and a host of things I have had ever since I had radiaiton for cancer at more than average numbers and was told the radiation bounces off equipment and may causer problems with glands in neck so I have had some of this for almost 2 decades and am badly suffering. I recently found out it may be related/causative of endocrine problems like thyroid, adrenals, diabetes, metabolic syndrome etc. some of which I have.
I am thinking doctors are not going to get it diagnosed and removed so wondering if anything naturally, herbally, etc that might be able to dissolve a benign tumor in that are
Please help as I am so miserable with all these illnesses and others I am currently battling.
If I can take this into my onw hands maybe I can fix this is they don't help down the road but uncertain what might help dissolve tumors that are not cancerous. I know some things said to help cancer but this is nearly always benign yet it reaks havoc.