I had stomach cancer and I can only tell you about me. I was sicker than a dog and could eat nothing. What I used was nigella sativa mixed with honey 3 times a day, budwig twice a day and lufft. Now Mr. H may know where you can get this. This is a Jordanian cure.
Now I must say that I could not eat at first and I ate liquids such as green smoothies until I could eat. Once I could eat well I did the above, but I always took black seeds or nigella sativa.
We believe in Islam whoever dies from stomach cancer is a martyr. I believed with all my heart I would survive and prayed constantly. It took me two months to get better, but to this day I am on a preventative protocol. I still take lufft. Lufft is the leaves of the luffah scrubbers.
Mr. H. has a great article on the board about this.
If you do a search you can find this. He is the only one who could provide me with this information. Here is an article I wrote with his link included.