Re: Hair loss & blood pressure.
Would there be a way to prove to the doctor that my mom has high levels of uric acid in the breast area, save for extracting blood from the area? I asked her for a prescription to lower uric acid levels, but she says that she cannot prescribe one without justifying it with a test, etc.
Also, perhaps you can comment: my mom's inflammation has been decreasing recently. The red area where it was spreading to her back, armpit, etc. is turning back to pink, no longer spreading, and the pink areas are "growing new skin," as my mom puts it. The pus is mostly gone, but it is coming out of one open area. Less milk is also being excreted. Her left (unaffected) breast returned to a normal size. Her arm and wrist, very puffy for months now, have been getting smaller and she could move her arm more. But just the other day, her arm and wrist "ballooned up" to the point where, as she put it, she "looked like a cartoon character," puffier than it's ever been. But it went away overnight. Why do you think this is happening? When the arm and wrist started getting smaller (I'm assuming it's her enlarged lymph node getting smaller), is it because the immune system has less disease to deal with, so it's working less and affecting the lymph node less? Do you have any idea about that puffiness that lasted one night?
Thank you for all of your help.