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Re: PLEASE advice- fasting for candida?
chrisb1 Views: 1,577
Published: 14 y
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Re: PLEASE advice- fasting for candida?

We all have candida to some degree, but I believe you are referring to an overgrowth of this fungus.

Candida is normally kept under control by the friendly bacteria in the gut, but when your immune system is down, candida starts to multiply and can quickly take over.
This overgrowth produces toxins that your body's immune system struggles to cope with.

The very best way of eliminating this overgrowth is to address the cause/s, which are firstly, toxemia, which provides a bodily environment for it to thrive, and secondly, by strenghening the immune system.
Water-only-fasting addresses both of these by strengthening the immune system and eliminating toxemia. Rest while fasting is also vital for a successful outcome.

There is much controversy about drinking distilled water, but it has a pH range of 5.6 to 7. The pH scale measures solutions from 0 (acidic) to 14 (alkaline), so it has a neutral PH, and therefore ideal to drink, and esp' so on a water-only-fast.
Distilled water mimics the precipitation cycle as formulated by our Creator in Nature, so unless they are wrong, I would adhere to distilled as dictated by thirst.

3 days of fasting is unlikely to accomplish a great deal in your situation, but if extended to 10 to 15 days, and if you break this with fresh-juices and then a whole-food diet that is properly combined, you will eliminate your overgrowth of candida and all of its associated problems permanently, and in a relatively short time-frame.

Take care.




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