Re: "It's better for you because it's genetically modified." AARRRRRGHHHH!!! Re: Proof that the the GMO reduce-consciousness project works!!
ugh...uhm, you're welcome.
What a way to beat the melamine in infant formula scenario, eh?
I think it was this article, or maybe another, that kindly explained: in times past, it was only the Emperor and Empress who were able to access and enjoy human milk all through their lives.(!!!)
The magnanimous motivation goes something like this:
"why not make it available to everyone?" !!!
(Insert wildly beaming bobble-headed reporter, + 1 billion or so, seriously nodding agreement.)
Boggles the mind.
btw-- I think it's worse that injecting the cows; I believe they are being cloned also. There are so many ways to do wrong.