Tiffany's Flush #7
Between flush 6 and 7 observations:
If you go back through my posts and look at flush 6, you will see that I passed a rather large stone. My liver/gb area was sore for several days following my last flush. After that went away, I felt absolutely fabulous! It was so amazing to feel so good. I had someone at work tell me that I looked great - standing up straighter, bounce in my step. He knows that I have been working on cleansing, so he said that it must be working! That made me almost euphoric for the rest of the day. Two weeks after my flush, I was still feeling good, so I decided to wait for another week. Two days later, I had that oh so common feeling of liver congestion and the pain in my back and right lower rib area. It was no where near as bad as it used to be though, so I knew I would be able to make it to my normal flush day of Monday/Tuesday.
The flush:
My BMs have been a little irregular lately, so I decided to do a salt water flush (SWF) on Monday morning to help clean out my colon. Unfortunately, it didn't work. The rest of the day, I had a bowl of soup, a banana, 3 cherry tomatoes, and various fruit juices. When I got home from work, I decided to try another
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) before I took my first dose of ES. Shortly there after, I had a BM, but it was solid - not the "buttpee" I expected. I drank the ES at 6:30, and immediately started having abdominal cramps. These were very painful and lasted about an hour before I finally passed what I'm guessing was an impacted piece of fecal matter and buttpee. I took my second dose of ES at 8:15. Had buttpee several times following this dose.
I decided to use coconut oil this time. I was curious about Texas's flush and getting candida, so that is why I chose this oil. I put 30 drops of
Clarkia in the grapefruit juice. At 10:00, I drank 5
ounces of coconut oil and 5
ounces of gfj separately. I noticed that the coconut oil was not as thick as the other oils I've used and it went down very easily. I laid down on my back and used a castor oil pack for about an hour. I then rolled over on my right side and went to sleep. I woke up at 3:00 and didn't sleep well from then until I finally got up at 6:00. I was very nauseous, and as I started to drink my first morning dose of ES, I felt my stomach lurch and I made a run for the bathroom. There was a considerable amount of oil floating on the top of the water and there was lots of white fluffy/stringy looking stuff floating in the water. I didn't want to attempt the ES again, so I did a SWF. I got very few stones, maybe 20-30. Two were the size of peanuts, but the rest were tiny. They were all a dark green color, but not "blackish green". The first couple of BMs produced some biliary sludge. And every BM had tons of the white fluffy/stringy stuff floating around under the surface of the water. And the top of the water was very foamy (I'm guessing this is the cholesterol that people speak of). I did another
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) just to make sure I have gotten everything out. This resulted in bright yellow buttpee (which is bile) and still lots of white fluffy/stringy stuff.
I can only assume that the white fluffy/stringy stuff floating under the surface of the water was candida. Which I guess I can't be in denial about any longer. :(
Could I have vomited up candida? I'm just learning about it and I don't know if this is possible.
The bothersome part of this flush is that my liver/gb congestion and the lack of stones. But that could have been the use of coconut oil, or maybe the sludge is what was causing the pain. In any case, I've accomplished what I set out to do - find candida. So, no need to use coconut oil again. I may splurge on macadamia nut oil next time.
The pain in my back and rib cage are not present at the moment, but I've always noticed that it disappears after I drink my first dose of ES and doesn't appear again for anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.
I feel peaceful and happy today, so all in all, I think this was a good flush.