I had chronic fatigue for over 20 years. This can be caused by so many things. You can click on my avatar to see all that I did to get well.
The fatigue can still come and go. Although I have returned to work and normal life some days I have to really drag myself around.
I have used coconut oil off and on but have decided to take it non stop for 6 months. I am on month 2 and feel that any lingering viruses are going. I still feel the stabbing needle sensations occasionally. Could be lyme I suppose.
I have always been very much against using metals to cure the body. I don't think there are many long term studies to support the use of metals. However a very lucrative industry. My naturopath is dead set against them. I have spent the last few years chelating heavy metals from my body. I wouldn't dream of adding ANY back in.