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Why the order of cleansing is IMPORTANT--my experience
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Why the order of cleansing is IMPORTANT--my experience

I'm speaking from my own experience as to why the order of cleansing is important. If you're very sick, or in ther "terminal" bracket with cancer or an advanced stage of any dis-ease, you're going ot have to follow the protocol just as it's written up here.

You will NOT be able to get rid of many toxins thru the skin until the liver and colon is cleaned out. It puts too much stress on the body and is not accomplishable to much of any extent. This is why a suana will accomplish much more later on in the program. Otherwise, it can make you very weak if you have to omuch colon an dliver junk present.

To be sure, I would recommend anyone having to start out with cleaning the liver FIRST, add the LBB and continue with it throughout the progrm and DO NOT STOP, but you may have to vary the dosage of it throughout your journey here. It is very important that you be working on the colon at the same time as you are the liver. Both are going to take a while, so keep this in mind. You may have to add the #2 formula of Schulze's for a while, then back off, give yourself a rest, then do it again. This is what really pulls off the colon junk early on.

I'm repeating Doc's words that "Most all a lot of people need is a good cololn cleanse", but I am not speaking of these people in this post, I'm speaking of the ones who have not cleaned their colons out their whole lifetime and done it properly, or the ones in the terminal bracket.

The colon needs time to heal. Healing comes in stages, hence the rest you may need to take before you are thru with all the cleaning there. It's taken many years for you to get all this accumulated, and it's going to take a while to get the digestive system back to normal.

I have cleaned out my colon off and on for 4 years, but still was bothered with Candida. I recently found out that the hepatic flexure of the colon under the liver was almost totally blocked after all this cleaning, and a few days ago, dumped another 2# of colon junk. It's still coming out. I wondered why I couldn't get rid of the Candida. This is it. You're NOT going to get rid of Candida until your colon and liver is clean. NOT from any other protocol, IMO, so it needs an active clean-out until you're on top of it. Do a gentle colon cleanse in the end of this. I'm seeing I have a lot of healing to do in that area.

I was in the terminal bracket when I started this program, had extensive colon damage from drugs and probably some not so good foods in past years.

Once the colon and liver is clean, the rest of your body will commence the blood, lymph and tissue cleansing. Well, it happens some before the colon and liver is clean, but the bulk of it won't happen until you've done your job cleaning the liver and colon. Then, then rest of the body can clean out. This is, indeed, why the order of cleansing. Then, the organs are able to regenerate as the cellular cleaning takes place. The blood will be pure and can bring oxygen and nutrients to cells as it should be doing in a healthy body. The pH of the body will normalize. The Super Green foods are very good in helping the body do this on a cellular level.

It's my experience that this is a lengthy procedure, but it happens just like Doc wrote it up. Get his CD or books and learn the protocol.

I hope others can profit from my experience.

Don't get discouraged, just keep on keeping on.


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