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Re: Losing a Few Inches
chirontherainbowbridge Views: 11,302
Published: 14 y
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Re: Losing a Few Inches

"The midsection of your body is the best place to store extra energy because it takes less energy to carry it around. Fat storage is a survival strategy, so your body wants to maximize energy efficiency in the creation, storage and use of body fat in times of food scarcity/famine or the need to go without food as in illness/injury or disease."

I just wanted to add to this, that the body also stores toxins (far more these days than in Shelton's day, alas,)in the fat cells, where they are not likely to be soon or easily liberated. I think this explains why you can feel quite crappy as the system gets down to using up some of this last-to-go fat, in a longer water fast. This is likely not something any body would *want* to do; that is, storing any sort of toxins in its critical-situation food reserves - but it beats having such stuff roaming around in the blood, and going to the important organs.

What a perfect place to 'store', when you think about it. It's like putting poisons in an outbuilding, not in the main house.

One more consideration, in this whole picture of burning up the fat. The more you build up the good mineral reserves, and make sure to have regular elimination (should be once for each meal consumed!! something many people get nowhere near), the easier it will be for the body to finally feel 'safe' enough to let go of some of these long-held toxins, on, or off awater fast. And the easier the whole process will be. This is my belief, and my observation, combined.





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