..maybe not a "mOrg fiber"..
..did a short survey vid of the urine drop on the slide.
Always nice to go back and double check what you
thought you saw hours earlier.
What at first looked like just another morg fiber
...may not be. It's ..different. It's definitely not
a ribbon fiber [cellulose] that the particles like to
grow. And it does not have the cylindrical structure
of a "sugar snake" type morg fiber. Very long,{extends for
several millimeters], very thin..and full of "spheres" along it's length. It may be a filamentous bacteria;
another whole class of critters I know nothing about.
The triple phosphate crystals show up well, although they
are very small. The fact that they exist points to an
alkaline environment. The fact that they are so darn small
and not growing very fast is probably because the pH at the
time this sample was taken was slightly acidic [6.7]and
they are no longer able to grow.
I kept a small amount of the sample that they came from;
as the urine becomes more alkaline
due to the ammonia being produced by the bacterial growth..the crystals should grow much bigger.