I did my third Liver Flush Wed/Thur. I did not have the same amount of stones that I usually have nor did I have the number of bowel movements (liquid bowels) that I usually have. I did everything the same and now tonight I was awakened with a lot of pain in my liver gal bladder area. It is not sharp just a heavy ache. What can I do to get rid of the pain?
I am afraid to do a flush right away because it is too soon. I feel very distended from the area above my belly button to my chest. What is this? I am scared and I do not want to go to the hospital or see a doctor because they will just perform surgery. Also, what type of diet will help the liver during this process? Would flax seed oil be bad right now? I am not sure if I should be eating fat free clean food or if I need some healthy fat to keep the bile moving. Thank you so much in advance. I do not want to give up on this process.