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liver cleanse necessary?
nyckid10 Views: 1,357
Published: 14 y

liver cleanse necessary?

I've been battling candida for a couple of years now. I feel like I am almost done winning the battle because I have chelated for 9 months and have been on the diet and antifungal protocol for a while too. It is going away at a good rate. I also took milk thistle for over a year now. I was wondering if a fully liver flush/cleanse is necessary in order to fully get rid of my candida infestation. I know of the Hulda Clark e one, I have tried it once but got a really bad stomach ache because of the Epsom Salts and it is very time consuming. Can I go on without it? I have already done like 10 coffee enemas in the past. Will that and the milk thistle be enough support for my liver? Has anyone cured it without these liver cleanses? I am afraid I won't be fully cured unless my liver is fully clenased, even with my progrss. Thanks for the insight.


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