Re: endless cleanses?
I'm sure the
Liver Flush works on some level. I'm increasingly starting to come to the conclusion that the flush releases a large amount of bile and this coagulates in the intestines. This bile may be green or yellow or mix with other substances to form red or black substances.
Continous flushing (once every two weeks, months, or few months) sustains this symptomatic relief due to consistent release of toxins through bile.
I just keep remembering watching an autopsy program as well and the liver of a 70 year old woman being cut in half. I was anxious to see what a disected liver looked like and was disappointed to say the least when all I could see was liver tissue and about five or six bile ducts holes. If someone said after that the liver could hold hundred stones I wouldn't believe them. Are we really to believe that the liver can hold 31,000 stones? (the most I've read someone pass)
I'm also growing increasingly suspicious of the motives of certain
Liver Flush advocates with their airy-fairy beliefs contradicting their actions. If money is evil and bares no relevance to humans, why does that same person charge extortionate amounts of money for cliche-ridden telephone consultations?
I'll leave my little rant at that as it is the wrong forum but I think it is good to question methods and use a little common sense at times to see a clear picture.I know some people don't care whether they stop flushing or not but I would like there to be a little consistency to this method. Testimonials from Southern Belle and 2002 generation don't cut it for me anymore ;^)