I just woke up but will attempt to make a few random points:
Given the quantity and texture of 'stones' expelled by so many of us, they can't all be true gallbladder stones
Irrespective of the site of origin of these 'stones', the flush consistently provides numerous health benefits. For me, these included increased energy, a stronger appetite, an improved ability to react emotionally in a calm way, much better skin (far less oily and less inflamed), and the removal of parasites.
When I met my girlfriend 3 years ago she was suffering from frequent and debilitating gallbladder attacks. Her doctor informed her that the only cure was complete gallbladder removal, and told her to book herself in for surgery. I explained the flush to her and she gave it a go. She passed only a few 'stones', perhaps 5-6, but her gallbladder attacks stopped completely and have never returned!
Performing a liver flush is a horrible experience - sore butt, dry mouth, nausea, awful epsom salt drinks etc