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UPDATE** Eating Potatoes and Peanut butter again!! :)

Cleanse the Liver in 9 Days
Feel great again!

dieland Views: 2,165
Published: 13 y

UPDATE** Eating Potatoes and Peanut butter again!! :)

Giving you all an update...

some of you might have seen my other thread, where I started chelating with DMSA and my candida symptoms basically vanished...

anyways, when i stop chelating my candida flares up. I contribute this to the fact that the DMSA keeps the heavy metals moving in my body and carrying them out, and when i stop chelating, the heavy metals get to settle which causes candida to flare up.

To avoid the candida flare up I have done 3 days of DMSA on, and 4 days off dmsa but on ALA...ALA gives me the same benefits as DMSA.

Anyways, the past few days i have been able to eat large amount of POTATOES...Sweet and red...

today i ate a BANANA..


Anyways, i am beyond happy about this. The banana and peanut butter tasted INSANE after not having them for so long! lol.

My recomendation: even if you never had amalgams, you could still have heavy metal poisoning! I am 20 years old, and NEVER had Amalgams and heavy metals are causing my candida!



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