I see nowhere in James' post anything directed at the recent debates. What I read is a general opinion of frustration concerning the claims made by those not having proper scientific documentation as proof of effective and safe treatment for whatever protocol they are promoting. Across the board, this is leading to the government requiring proof through scientific studies first, before anything can be allowed to be marketed, or a claim of healing made. This takes a lot of financial backing, and many small companies will not be able to finance the studies, making these products unavailable to those who would choose to use them. It will be illegal to sell them. This includes herbal remedies of all types, protocols, you name it. I do not believe James' intention in this post was to be antagonistic to the recent debate, but to let people know that there is an agenda to limit our health freedoms, and to let all know that without valid Science of proof of effectiveness and safety, the government tends to make all illegal until proven safe and effective.