Casey's 9th flush, aka "the exorcism"
Completed my 9th flush on sunday, or if i count from flushes where i started producing stones, it was my 4th. I first released the "devil" stone i posted yesterday(which is bigger than any photo of a stone ive seen here), then to my surprise i passed about 15 more stones that were all about that size, 3-4
cm. To prepare for this flush i only ate a few apples and a little bit of ACV, this is encouragement to me that my body is strong enough to push out stones without the aid of GCG, unlike all my past flushes. In addition to the pure size of the stones i also released some that were black color. I assume the black colored ones are older and just an extremely dark green and therefor i am making good progress on cleansing my liver. It is too early to say the health effects of this flush as i am still recovering. This flush was a great inspiration to me, as seeing stones of different size and color.
Liver Flushing is the most legit thing i have found in researching medicine as it stands for no one to benefit but yourself. I guess there is the use of promoting
Liver Flushing as "gateway" cleanse to others that you must buy products for, and there is the preperation herbs that people make money off of, but i think that once you get started flushing, those become un neccessary. I intend to keep going at this to cure myself of fibromyagia no matter how hard it is, and i hope everyone keeps at it too. =) - Casey