Don't use Humet-R or Zeolites, both cause redistrubution of metals from within your body. I took Zeolites for a while and noticed twitching on my left eye after taking this volvic mud. Both products are expensive and useless in my view. You need to start with a protocol that works well and has a high success rate with those that the protocol has helped. It's all too easy using Humet-R or Zeolites thinking that just popping that capsule in your mouth is going to do something when it either does nothing or causes redistrubution of HM's and then believing it's working. You need to go back to basics and start with the Cutler protocol. Do you have adrenal issues, are you high or low cortisol, do you have thyroid problems, leaky gut, IBS,candida issues or bacterial problems. If you seriously consider Cutler you will need to sort out the thyroid/adrenal issues first. Supporting the adrenal glands are key to good chelating on the Cutler protocol.Get researching the Cutler protocol and don't get diverted by other less effective forms of detox. At the end of the day it's your life and health at stake. Good Luck! C