Re: Testing for Candida?
Good question.
To my knowledge, there are a range of tests available, analysing saliva/spit samples, blood samples, and stool samples.
I have not performed the saliva/spit test, however the blood test I have had showed negative for the presence of candida albicans. This test analyses candida antigens and beta D-glucan, all of which was found to be negative. I believe other tests also measure levels of IgM, IgG, and IgA anti-bodies, however I have not had this test.
The stool sample tests (typically performed by Genova Diagnostics or Metametric laboratories) also detect candida and other bacterial strains.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to have my stool samples tested (I live in Japan), however given that the antibodies blood tests came back negative, I wonder if it's even necessary, and if indeed candida is the root of my health concerns.
Good luck with your tests!