~~FANTASTIC Testimony!...Re:Huge praise & testimony
Hi Calibelle,
I know you must be jumping with joy at the report you got, I'm so happy for you I'm jumping with joy too!
BUT, being able to PROVE that the body can and WILL heal itself when WE get out of its way, and give it what it needs, is something to be shouted from the rooftops and you're hearing it first!
Yes, and that is the hardest thing on earth to do because we've been so conditioned to believe that when we go to the doctor and pop a pill or get a shot, its healing us, when it actually is just covering up the symptoms and not healing at all.
That you've only had a couple of weeks since you started the changes, really DOES prove that the body CAN and WILL heal if we just stop doing what made us sick in the first place and start giving it what it needs.
I'm so excited to see that you're on this journey and seeing results so quickly. Please keep us posted on how its going.