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Re: Why are you rotaing antifungals ??
dvjorge Views: 1,659
Published: 14 y
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Re: Why are you rotaing antifungals ??

Why are you rotating the antifungals ?? Where that absurd information is coming from ?? You are promoting resistance !!! Fungus are sensitive to some natural substances but NO all. When you find something that work for you, you have to keep it as much as you can and increase the dosage as much as tolerated. Let say that you chose Grapefruit-Seed-Extract and it has been effective, but after a week you switch to Barberine, but the specie or strain that is affecting you isn't sensitive to Barberine, then the infection has chance to recover, and the survivors will be stronger against Grapefruit-Seed-Extract when you add it again.
Rotation must be done when you know all the antifungals you are using are effective against the infection you have. You can not rotate randomly without knowing effectiveness or a sensitive culture. Stop making mistakes !!!!!!


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