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Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus (DTaP, TdP)

Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus (DTaP, TdP)


Mary Tocco  (c)copyright 2011


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Diphtheria is an upper respiratory illness caused by bacteria.  It may be accompanied by symptoms such as: sore throat, coughing, headache fever and swollen glands in the neck.   Its signature is a thick coating that will form on the tonsils and the throat and that may extend into the lungs.  The swelling and coating can interfere with breathing and swallowing.   In severe cases, the heart may become inflamed and result in heart failure.  The bacteria live in an infected person’s nose, throat, skin, or eye discharges, and are passed to others in close contact through coughing or sneezing.  Skin diphtheria causes a rash that is hard to distinguish from impetigo. The illness can last for 7-14 days. Once a person has the illness, he or she will have life-long immunity and a stronger developed immune system.

Diphtheria was prevalent before modern sanitation and was most common in crowded conditions with inadequate hygiene.  Currently, there is approximately one (1) case reported per year in the United States.  Like most infectious illnesses, death from diphtheria was greatly diminished decades before we introduced a vaccine for it.  The first diphtheria vaccine was released in 1924 and was given to soldiers in World War II.  There is not much on record about this individual vaccine.

The Diphtheria Toxoid:  The toxoid comes in two strengths – (D- DTaP) capitol D is recommended for children younger than seven because the vaccinologists say they need the higher concentration to develop immunity. Anyone older than seven who chooses to get the vaccine should get the low (d- TdP) concentration because the vaccinologists say it has fewer side effects and is strong enough to boost immunity.  This author questions why they would recommend a stronger toxoid to the younger, more underdeveloped and venerable children?

Pertussis:  The Pertussis toxin is produced by the bacterium, Bordetella pertussis, which colonizes in the respiratory tract causes an infection. This illness is commonly referred to as Whooping Cough because of the deep persistent wheezing and cough it causes.  The Pertussis toxin is also a virulent poison that can affect the islets of the pancreas in those who have compromised immune systems, which can result in hypoglycemia or diabetes.  It takes approximately 4 to 6 weeks to recover from this illness and in some cases, even longer. 

It usually progresses in three stages first with a fever and breathing difficulty for 2 weeks, then persistent coughing at night and in the evening, making sleeping difficult and the final stage is the coughing becomes less severe and less frequent and eventually goes away.  After a person has pertussis, he or she will have life-time immunity. This illness can be very dangerous and fatal for children under 18 months of age because they are not able to cough up the mucus that is produced in the lungs. Antibiotics and cough suppressants are not usually very effective but may give a little relief.  It is not life threatening for most and will result in life-long immunity and a stronger developed immune system. 

Pertussis outbreaks in highly vaccinated populations:  In 2010-2011, California reported a pertusus outbreak of approximately 7.8 to 9.1 cases per 100,000 children as did other states across the country.  In the United States, we have very high rates of pertussis vaccination and these outbreaks prove the pertussis vaccinations are not working.  Consistently, we have pertussis outbreaks in highly vaccinated populations.  We never hear the statistics on how many of the children having the illness have been vaccinated.  Outbreaks are always blamed on the unvaccinated.  According to Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center, the pertussis outbreaks currently reported (2009-2010) are the result of a different viral strain and the vaccine will not provide any protection.  She has a lot to say about the current outbreaks.


Tetanus vaccine:  How does one get tetanus?  Tetanus is a spore that comes from animal feces.  The causative bacterium Clostridium tetani lives in the soil in a form called a spore. It is introduced into the body from deep puncture wounds. In other words the pathogen (Clostridium tetani) is literally injected into the body via the deep puncture. It is an illness characterized by an acute onset of hypertonia, painful muscular contractions (usually of the muscles of the jaw and neck and face), and generalized muscle spasms along the spine without other apparent medical causes.  The way to avoid tetanus is through proper wound management:  bleed the puncture well to flush it out, clean with soap and water, alcohol or peroxide and then cover the wound and keep it clean. 

Treatment for tetanus infection:  The use of antibiotics to kill the bacteria and on occasion, the antitoxin to neutralize the toxin in the body.  Also, for pain management and muscle spasms, pain medication and sedatives to help relax the muscles and consuming lots of water to re-hydrate the muscles because of water loss during contractions and increased metabolic demands.  If a person is having difficulty breathing due to contracting muscles, he or she may need the assistance of a ventilator. 

Currently, Tetanus is very rare, a disease primarily of older adults in nursing homes who got a vaccine years ago and now do not have immunity. The United Statesaverage is about 40-50 cases per year since 1995 when the government started tracking it more vigorously.  In other countries that are not modernized, there are reports of neonatal tetanus because of filthy living conditions.  There have been only 2 cases reported in babies in the United Statesbetween 1989 to1999. That brings up the question:  why are we still giving this pathogen to babies and infants whose chances of exposure are so rare?  

Here are some early references of the single tetanus vaccine causing neurological harm:

  • Journal of Neurology, 1977, entitled “Unusual Neurological Complication following Tetanus Toxoid Administration.”
  • The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 1973, carried an article entitled “Hypersensitivity to Tetanus Toxoid,” and in a volume entitled “Proceedings of the II International Conference on Tetanus” (published by Hans Huber, Bern, Switzerland, 1967), an article appeared entitled “Clinical Reactions to Tetanus Toxoid.”
  • Journal of the American Medical Association (1940) was entitled “Allergy Induced by Immunization with Tetanus Toxoid.”
  • The British Medical Journal (1940) reported on “Anaphylaxis (a form of shock) following Administration of Tetanus Toxoid.”
  • German Medical Journal (19690) reported a case of paralysis of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (the nerve to the voice box) after a booster injection of tetanus toxoid.

The Multi-Vaccines DTaP and the TdP

The DPT vaccine was the first combined vaccine.  It was first produced back in 1946.  Vaccine side effects have been noted in the combined Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis vaccination since it was licensed. This combined vaccine was not used on a large scale until the vaccinations were independently approved and eventually combined together with inadequate safety studies.  Other countries were noting severe reactions with the DTP and went to a different vaccine by 1981 (Japan). 

Safety:  The early DPT vaccine  had been associated with many serious injuries including: neurological injury and seizures, (JAMA 1933) coma, mental retardation, cerebral palsy and death (Pediatrics 1948), paralysis, mental retardation and severe neurological injury and death  (Lancet 1950), asthma, developmental disabilities, antisocial behavior, autism, sudden infant death (SIDS)  and diabetes to name a few.  

After years of causing severe neurological injury, the United Stateschanged to the attenuated (weakened) vaccine in 1996 and is now referenced as the DTaP.  Dr. Mark Geier was responsible for weakening the vaccine after he observed the damage it was causing.  (He is the doctor who was appointed by Congressman Dan Burton; chair of the Government Reform Committee (2000) in Washington, to investigate the vaccines after Burton’s grandson regressed into severe autism following his vaccinations.  It was Dr. Mark Geier and his son, David Geier, who discovered the form of mercury referred to as Thimerosal used in over 50 vaccines.) 

There are noted problems with the later attenuated vaccine often referred to “mild” cases of similar symptoms as with the first vaccine.  Adverse events are reported in the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in Washington but it has been documented through congressional hearings that only 10% of all adverse events get reported.   The data reported in VAERS about the DTaP looks like a tsunami of injuries too many to mention.  Injuries can take up to 3 months to show up but for many, they are obvious within 24 hours of getting the vaccine.  Many cases have been settled through the Vaccine Injury Compensation System (VICS) but parents are gagged, and told not to discuss settlements with the public.  As with all vaccines I encourage people to hold off until they have done the research so that they know in confidence they are making the best decision for their children.




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