Re: RANT: in between flushes. feeling pretty bad
OK, we can have a pitty party!!! Poor you. I wonder if you had a toxic reaction from doing the cleaning during the week since you sounded like you were already tired before the flush, I hope you had a BM every day.
That fasting is for the birds, I hate it. I had many flushes ruined because by 4 pm I started nibbling. I finally had to change to Dr.Kelley's or
Oxypowder 's flush so at least I could have my berries and cream at night.
I have also done a couple of daytime flushes, so at least my fasting was during the night :)
If you want to preclean next time, you can use 1tsp of ES several nights before or use
Oxypowder , at least that will empty your intestines beforehand.
So the party is over I hope you have a successful flush and sleep.