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GB attack - Liver Flush - Success
Hello all,
I had posted here three weeks ago that I had a very painful GB attack and that my doctors wanted to take my GB out. Well, I did not. I instead flushed my problems away.
I have been doing flushes for last 8 years. In the beginning I did it every two weeks till I got most of my stones out. Then after I did flush once a year.
This year I had not done my annual flush in June/July. I also ate mostly plant based diet with occasional junk like cookies etc. The attack only happened when I ate figs or dates. I had a sonogram done and as every year it only shows two 1/4" stones floating in my GB. I decided to do my annual flush. I started taking all good thing this forum suggested and as well as from fasting forum, such as take raw garlic, phos1, apple juice, Turmeric etc. I also doubled my intake of LUGOL'S, which had a huge help. I did this for almost two weeks besides just eating raw foods, salads and fruits. I also fasted on Friday and Saturday.
I had about 5 BMs this morning and got about 50 small stones (1/8") and few of them were 1/4" and the biggest was 3/8". Last BM was practically water.
I am happy that I have cleaned my GB, but somehow I feel there is more there. So I will do another
Liver-Flush in three weks.
QUESTION- Why did my body make so many stones in last year? That is compared to all other years.
Thank you all for the support and happy flushing.