One step further...
currently we understand solar radiation storms as swarms of electrons, protons and heavy ions...
Without enough *proton acceptors* in/on our skin to neutralize the bombardment of protons, we get sun burned much more quickly during a more intense solar storm, or flares... so do all living things BTW.
what are other forms of *radiation*, such as those spewing from Fukushima?
What about x-rays, radiation therapies, etc.?
What are EMFs? What about them?
Beginning to *see* why these things can *cause* health problems?
Newport was right to introduce ion/anion here - I think this a great thread... it quite possibly, in very simple terms, explains all that is - in terms of life as we know it, and how it exists at all... within a very narrow range of *balance*.
Any planet, within a *narrow band of space*, at the right distance from any star, which is *alkaline* element/mineral rich, craving/attracting ion donors, upon being bombarded with protons from its sun, is very likely to support life of some kind.
that simple.