My teenage son has had some cracking, peeling skin issues on his soles. It started this summer. He has peeling between the toes and on the ball of his foot, but no redness or soreness. It really does not seem to be fungal (we know what that looks and feels like). It's not itchy. Just keeps peeling, cleanly, like a sunburn might. Also the skin is very thick on his soles, even though he NEVER goes barefoot or even wears sandals. He once said his feet feel like they have plastic on the bottoms. The skin feels like vinyl. It cracks and forms fissures especially under his big toe. It helps to put Eucerin cream on them once a day. He also had a toenail that fell off some time ago. It has grown in again, but the nail is mottled, and a few of his nails have some pitting.