I am celebrating my first year of UT. My advise to you is to keep doing it no matter what, but get your thyroid checked and see where you are. I am definitely not opposed to taking Armour thyroid, I couldn't live without it. If you read my first posts you know that my thyroid went up and down for awhile. i was getting labs dome every month it seemed. About 6 months ago I started the Primal Diet and my thyroid evened out. When i started this I took 240 mg of Armour and now I take 120. I have been at 120 mg for 6 months or more. I also started taking a tiny bit of hydrocortisone. After trying several natural therapies for adrenal fatigue, I gave in and it really helps. I'm using it to get a handle on my stress and hope to wean myself off of it. Remember, my 18 year old son, (who doesn't have Amalgam fillings like I do) completely cured himself of hypothyroid with UT. It has not come back and it has been almost a year. He also eats raw meat. i do think the mercury in my mouth plays a large role and I hope to get them out when i get rich!