Re: Hey Peiones, my names Ryan and am dealing with fbo issues!!!
surfer 27...sorry it took me so long to answer you i havent been to the website in a long time really is my safe haven...especially when i am down and know what i mean...i do know that you have been on this website for quite a while and you are an encouragement to people even if you dont know it..sharing our experiences helps us all....anyway about the fecal
Body Odor ...i too have been challenging it for over 10 years and i guess it will always be a problem to us all because we have to eat...and when we eat we produce feces....i dont know what it is about our bodies that makes us smell like poop ...but i do know that after years of frustration i took out a fleet enema after i moved my bowels to get all the excess out and it now whenever i use the washroom i take a fleet enema and clean any residue that i have left in me and it works...sometimes i have to fill the bottle with water and do it 3 or 4 times but it does work...and the times when i dont have to use the washroom and i smell like feces...i found out that my body does not contain enough enzymes to break down my food and i did not have any frien dly bacteria in my body so i started a regimen of taking enzymes with my food and later that day taking udos probiotics with fage greek yogurt....daily...not only did it make me feel good but it helped tremendously with the odor problem....but to be honest with you the thing that helped me the most was cutting out all carbs in my diet...after i started doing that i noticed people would actually talk to me ...this is what worked for me..dont get me wrong...i still have my bad days because the minute i stop taking enemas,probiotics,yogurt and start eating food with carbs,,,you know...bread,pasta, comes back so it is a never ending battle...i guess we just have to face the fact that we cant eat like normal people...and cant have all the things they can have without suffering the consequences...anyway..i hope this helps you some...especially try the enema thing...and please keep in touch...peonies