I've been trying the various anti-candida diets and supplements for the past several months and I don't think I'm making any progress. My latest challenge test showed all my metals are back down within reference range at this point, so I guess that's not the issue (having a hard time believing that, but anyway). I've been having weekly colonics and it seems like instead of producing less yeast, I'm producing more!
So the point is, I guess I'm going to break down and try CS for my candida. I also think I may have some stray infectious agent at work as well based on some energy work I've had done and I think the CS will help with that as well. I know a few of you on here have successfully used CS for your candida, so my question is: do you take probiotics during your treatment with CS? I mean, I assume you would take them seperated by a few hours or something, but should you should wait until you're totally finished with the CS or what?