18 y
Re: DIABETES and Liver Flushing
sorry about that......
2dreem, my Mom's a type 2 diabetic with a heart condition (I'm not assuming you know anything about THAT, but she had a triple bypass 3 yrs ago) - I'd really love her to try a Liver Flush, but she's being her typical stubborn self.....everything I send her to read, she treats with indifference, including
Andreas Moritz ' big book (name?).......actually, I can understand, because she's taking alot of pills and doesn't want to kill herself, especially with a spike in her sugars, drinking juice with the olive oil.
Damn woman still eats toast everyday though......and that's what she admits to.
I guess my question is, could you suggest some good info in favor of an
Liver-Flush for diabetics, and how to proceed safely?
I would really appreciate it....she seems to be giving up.