Doing my 2nd cleanse today. 8:30am. Very few stones. But the little bit that has come out is extremely soft. So I think the 3 weeks of "Stone Breaker" did the job of softening stones.
I haven't been formally diagnosed yet. I have a doctor's appt. next week. My grandmother, aunt and a cousin have had their gallbladders removed. I don't know if it's hereditary or not. But my cousin and I also have hypothyroid conditions. She has a gluten interolance. From reading Telman's post I see that it's not necessarily stones that cause the pain with digestion. Is it worthwhile to get the gallbladder checked out to see if the problem is stone-caused or not? I wonder with those other conditions (the non-stone conditions) if it is at all helpful to do the liver cleanse to heal them? Or is it a matter of diet? Thanks!