Solution? Re: The Hospital Gestapo
Personally, I think you should stop dissing the Gestapo and call this one by its real name: Stalinism.
Be that as it may, there is only one way to deal with such business, and nobody in USAnia seems to have the stones to do that.
True story. When we purchased our house, I learned how the building came to be on the market.
Seems an elderly widow lived there, alone. One day she needed to go to the hospital for some minor think.
Bingo! She was declared incompetent, and quickly confined to a nursing home -- where she was heard to say, over and over, "where's my player piano?" Seems she owned one, or had owned one before the guardian had her home ransacked and everything sold (maybe he kept her player piano for himself -- we'll never know, eh?).
The neighbors told me there was no reason for it. They told me
the woman was dead within one year.
There is one solution, and only one solution to this problem.
Or, maybe just do your best to keep your health and keep out of the hospital.
I recently saw an August issue of Newsweek, and even that "august" publication was carrying a story titled, "The One Word That May Save Your Life!"
What is the ONE word?
In a word, the one word is "NO!"
As in just say "NO!" to the plethora of tests and invasive procedures the hospital Stalinists and Zionistas are recommending to you.
But if push comes to shove, remember the words, "Live Free of Die." It might just come to that some day, and if you don't have any HOLLOW POINTS, perhaps you might make do with a butter knife. :-)))