It's been a long time because I have been going through So much with this bad Body Odor that seems to have gotten worse. I was reading older post about "MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE" helping cure Body Odor so I decided to try it. I started taking it Last week and boy did I STINK but I was going to keep taking it NO MATTER what because I have tried everthing else. ONE WEEK LATER I AM SMELL FREE (THANK GOD) I tried it out by going to the store, mall, a party, around friends I haven't seen in long time and NO ONE covered noses, stared at me crazy and men even approach to talk to me and that have not happened to me in 2 years!! I Take 500mg 3 times a day with meals and drink a gallon of water daily! Bowel movements are regular and not smelly that has not happened in a long time because I had severe constipation. I am also eating real food again in moderation with chicken only because I lost alot of weight eating very low choline diet which was mainly salads. I have been washing with an antibacterial soap and leaving it on my skin for 2 minutes before rinsing off. I hope some of you try the "magnesium chloride" at least give it a try we have to help each other and I believe that we may think we have TMAU and thats not the case for some of us!! Good Luck and keep me posted as I will do the same