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Scalp Folliculitis Treatment
gmac168 Views: 36,380
Published: 14 y

Scalp Folliculitis Treatment

Hi Everybody,

First I'd like to say that I'm a Male that is 31 years old. I am just a regular guy with average build and no medical background. I'd like to remind ppl reading this that I was only diagnosed with scalp folliculitis.

I think I've had folliculitis for 5-7 years. The reason i don't know when it started is because it started off small and I didn't pay much attention to them.

I noticed about 3 years ago it got pretty bad. It would look like red bumps with pustules where the hair follicules are. I would wake up with a bloody pillow, head itchy like crazy and the dried up pustules would crust up and when i picked those areas a piece of hair would come out with the crust.

Not thinking that it was a serious condition I went to the local drug store and bought Tersaseptic dried up my scalp and pimples but they would keep coming.

So I started to see what remedies I could find online and I found nothing. Everything I read said there are no cures, and that even the things the dermotologists prescribe doesn't help. I just ended up changing pillow cases and showering more. Well, that didn't help, it kept coming back.

The itchiness got to me. The fact that I couldn't cut my hair short like the way I like got to me. Feeling embarrassed that ppl can see the redness on my scalp got to me. The bloody pillow cases got to me. It was just too much to handle.

I finally decided to go to the dermotologist. He prescribed me an antifungal shampoo (STIEPROX)to shower with 3 times a week, and a dabber (Dalicin T) to dab on my infected areas every night before I sleep. I think that treatment helped very little. It dried out my folliculitis but other areas on my scalp would still get infected. I had a chronic case. I felt like there was no hope of it ever going away and that I would suffer with the puss, bleeding and itchiness forever.

I read online that dermotologists would prescribe oral Antibiotics for months at a time and the same ppl said after they were done taking them, it just came back stronger and spread to different areas. Scared to take anti-biotics for that length of time without it even curing the problem, I decided to do the following before I took that step.

I started to exercise everyday. For 25 mins I would be on the treadmill/elliptical. I try to sweat as much as I can. I would say it's a pretty intense cardio workout. My t-shirt gets drenched with sweat.

If I needed a rest day I would try to go to the sauna/steamroom to continue my sweating.

I feel like the sweating unclogs the dirty pours on my scalp, I try to take a shower with hypoallergenic shampoo soon after my workout to wash the sweat off, and I rinse it thoroughly

I also decided to change my diet a little bit. I still eat junk don't get me wrong, I'll still have burgers (about once a week), just not as much as I used to. I replaced it with food that is high in anti-inflammatory...Salmon, Brocolli, Blueberries, Sweet potatoes, etc, and cook with Extra-Virgin Olive-Oil . I slowed down my alcohol intake, ate less processed meats, ate less junk food, etc...

I also drink Green Tea everyday now.

Now it's been one full month and I still get some red spots here and there but the pustules have really improved, almost non-existant. In the beginning of this experiment I was using the Dalacin T every nite to get rid of the spots, but the last two weeks with the improvement, I use it a lot less. Maybe 3 nites a week...I think I do it because I'm a lil paranoid, but I'm trying to get to a point that I don't need dab my head anymore.

I also have to throw out there that I've quit smoking for about 100 days now!!! case that helped with my detox process

Now I know my folliculitis isn't completely cured but in a months time it improved drastically and I am now at a point where I feel it's been the most manageable since I've had this problem. I cut my hair short again and my barber even says it looks a lot better. My friends don't see it even with my hair short. I haven't woke up with a bloody pillow in 3 weeks. If I get a pustule (rare) it's tiny.

I just wanted to get the word out there that there is hope! and I said to myself if I ever find something that helps/cures my scalp folliculitis I would try to share it with everyone.

There's really nothing to lose and everything to gain. Even if this method doesn't completely cure my folliculitis, I think it can only make me a healthier person. I've also lost 3 inches off my waist!

The products mentioned in this post are products I've personally used. I am not promoting those products, in fact I'm trying to eventually stop using them.

I sincerely hope this post helps most if not all the people with the same problem I've had for years and I will try to keep you posted from time to time with my progress.



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