It's funny that you posted about this right now because as I'm typing I've got a batch simmering on the stove. I was going to start it months ago but like all good intentions this one fell by the wayside. Since I started working again and I had long hair I just couldn't seem to find the time to try it.
I've cut my hair so it's short now so I'll take much less time to rinse my hair with the Yarrow and I am planning on using it daily instead of 3 times a week.
Once my rinse brews I'm going to make the tea because you're supposted to drink a cup in the morning and one at night everyday.
I'm sorry I didn't do it when I said I was going to but I'll keep you posted because I'm using it the first time tonight. I'm excited. I took before pictures so I'll post before and after when my hair color comes back! ;-)