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incurables program - great progress!!
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incurables program - great progress!!


2 months ago I took the Navarro Cancer test my score was 52
anything over 50 is not good but not sure how accurate

test from Dr and hospital:
CA-125 was 69
left ovarian mass 5.6cm x 5.1cm
left ovary also has 2 cysts 4.8 x 3.9 & 3.8 x 2.6
also have a solid Echogenic lesion within the cervix this mass is 1.7cm x 1.4 x 1.4cm

*After these test my Dr's suggested i have NO problems that these are not cancer issues based on ultrasounds and blood work & that we would just follow up???

Just before this i lost 2 people i love within in a year from cancer so i take this very seriously. Not sure if i have Cancer or not but don't want to wait for a problem in the future.

June 1st/11- I started the incurables program when i finished the 4 weeks... I continued with a Raw food diet, i did crack every once and a while but still eat very healthy, castro packs, enemas, few more cold sheet treatments. July 4th started the female formula to balance hormones.

Last weeks tests results:
CA-125 Dropped from 69 to 34 - not sure how accurate this is but still good
My 2 large cysts that i've had for years and mass in my cervix are gone!!!

CEA Test came back clear-but I told them for the cervix so not sure if that also checks the ovaries??? i'll have to check or re-do

all other blood and urine work came back clear, liver and kidneys clear....i feel great, sometimes tired but putting a lot of work in plus still going to my day job

last thing is to get rid of my mass in my left ovary it didn't get smaller but hasn't grown ether.

I've contacted Uny and she's helped me with suggestions to get a little more aggressive... I'll keep everyone posted!!!



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