I'm sure flushing the liver is beneficial for just about anyone although I don't know how it works for this particular problem. But if you don't mind me being off topic, check out different types of energy therapies as well as doing the liver flushes, like EFT and EmoTrance.
There's loads on the web about these different therapies and others like them to read and you can learn most of them for free on the web. These techniques seem to work very well on physical problems as well as psychological/emotional ones and I remember seeing a couple of articles on solving the type of problem you're having.
Yes, these techniques have helped me with different issues but trying hard to retain just a shread of privacy and dignity after discussing such riveting topics here on Curezone after doing my Liver Flushes like BM:s, the contents of these and admitting to poking in some of them with chop sticks - highly recomended btw! - I feel I've already revealed enough about myself : D D D
Seriously, I'm also quite new to using EFT and EmoTrance so I feel I should have more experience before giving specific advice. I'm just hoping it can help you.