Re: Candida starvation diet sucks for under weight, what to do?
I'm seeing a doctor right now who is a regular M.D., but is now practicing "alternative" medicine...and (God bless him!) since he's also in the process of learning about how to treat candida, it's been kind of like the blind leading the blind. I am probably going to be his biggest "test" case because I am so disabled by all my problems (candida, low-adrenals, hypothyroid -- all of which are part of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome & big time brain fog)...and because I am on SSI disability and Medicaid I have very little money, so I am really lucky to have this doctor, even if I am somewhat of an experiment for him! Finding a doctor who even believes in candida can be extremely difficult and therefore a lot of people end up treating themselves with help from sites such as this. Tests to confirm candida are also extremely expensive, but I've taken enough questionaires (one from my doctor)to confirm what I've known in my gut (which is killing me) for years, and that's that all the
Antibiotics and corticosteroids I've been on over the years have definately altered my gut flora. Toenail fungus appeared about 12 years ago after an especially agressive, lengthy round of
Antibiotics followed by corticosteroids, and when that happens it's from internal fungus, but most doctors just don't get that. Sure, try to find a doctor to confirm candida if you have tons of money to put into the tests and you have any questions in your mind that it's really the problem, but otherwise maybe we can share information and keep supporting each other. Peace.