Master Cleanse Day 1...Please comment!
Hi All,
I LOVE this forum! You guys are gr888!!! I have started
The Master Cleanse as of tonight with the laxative tea and tomorrow morning is DAY 1!!!
WISH ME LUCK EVERYONE!!!....PLEASE Pray that I succeed.
Hmmm...Theres a twist...I just got offered a new job which I will be starting tomorrow as well. What a suprise. I dont know if I should be happy or what. Its mixed emotions for sure. haha. Ive spent so much energy gathering all these items and researching for endless hours about the cleanse and just when everything falls into place theres a monkey wrench thrown into the equation. Im not sure what I should do.
The way things stand right now...I'm battling all and any obstacles (and beleive me there have been enough) that stand in the way of my doing this fast. If my own will power wasnt enough there are things outside my control that are working against me (facet breaking, plumber not bringing all the tools, water filter not fitting, etc) aargg but Im pulling forward and determined to stay the course...BUT now I have this Job! Do you guys think it will be "not advisable" and I should put off the cleanse for a later time in the year?? Or is this just another thing I need to overcome?
I value your expert, experienced opinion since I know some of you guys have been doing the
Master-Cleanse for yeeearrs...Do appreciate all honest comments please.
God Bless!
MC Hopeful