With regard to your scalp condition, I don't remember whether you've excluded gluten from your diet. I have recently been battling my version of scalp/shoulder itchy inflammation. After having sorted through an inflamed patch on my arm that started when I changed laundry detergent last fall, I was sure I could stop this as well. But I was having no luck till I read the darned label of my shampoo & conditioner and saw wheat germ and wheat protein in the ingredients. I kept thinking "dermatitis herpetiformis" because of the wee itchy blisters and inflamed skin, but my diet is clear of gluten. With it being in my shampoo, explains why the current mess was only affecting scalp & shoulders. Now that re-exposure has ceased, I have fond thoughts the inflammation will finally fade away. I keep hoping the universe will send you your answer as well! :)