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Tired after drinking urine?
illius Views: 3,598
Published: 14 y

Tired after drinking urine?

Well I have chronic eczema and have tried everything. I have tried fasting as a last resort but am unable to keep on a fast, I have broken them every time. Now I am trying this urine therapy. I use old urine on my skin for my eczema and have been drinking fresh urine, 16 oz a day. But for some reason after drinking the urine I get extremely tired! Like I just took a vicodin, And it zonks me. I will admit it is the best sleep I have gotten in my life, and I fall into a deep sleep but trying to stay awake during the day is becoming an issue and I feel droned out all day. Is there a reason for this? I do smoke, could this be nicotine coming through in my urine that is causing the problem?

Also how long before I see results with my eczema while drinking/applying urine? I have noticed my 3 day old urine has one heck of a nasty smell, and is building a white...translucent material or a "fog" to it. Is this normal? Thanks in advanced.


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