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Re: Fecal stones question (seriously)
Michael B Views: 5,144
Published: 14 y
This is a reply to # 1,853,031

Re: Fecal stones question (seriously)

The answer is simple!

Your stones went to all those flushers who released numerous stones without ingesting *any* flush mixture!

Magical, teleporting fecal soap is well known in the scientific medical establishment. See the forum: "The Truth In Medicine"

However, there may be other possibilities:

1)The stones teleported into the intestines of the woman who did a 30 day Water Fast and released stones upon drinking carrot juice. They lept through the space time continuum faster than the speed of feces.

2)The Fecal Soap Fairy waved his magic wand and sent your stones into the intestines of the man who released numerous stones from doing a coffee enema.

3)You ran out of "fecal dye" and therefore your stones were invisible upon release.

4)Your common bile duct realized he was defying the laws of physics and reverted back to the "maximum diameter" of 8mm, thereby preventing any stones from releasing.

Or how about the REAL answer...

Your fecal soap factory has caught a disease from all the dangerous Liver Flushing you have done: Afecalsoaphagia



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