I am currently a couple of months into chelating using the Cutler protocol with DMSA. It has been up and down up til this point, but for the most part steady going.
In the last few days, however, I started feeling a bit 'nuts' mentally--my mind was all over the place and I couldn't concentrate on something for even five minutes. The only other time I felt like that was the day right after I got my Amalgams removed. Trying to figure out what made me feel this way suddenly, I determined that the only thing I had done differently in the last few days was begin taking a tablespoon of SOY LECITHIN twice a day. I stopped the lecithin last night and the 'crazy' feeling seems to have improved a little.
Could it be possible that the lecithin, as it emulsified any fat/cholesterol clogging up my body, was speeding up the chelation process, mobilizing mercury and thus making me feel nuts?