I am just curious, after having read accounts of people flushing 10, 20, 30+ times and still getting stones out--how many people have actually reached 'the other side'?
I do believe that the "stones" being flushed out are actual gall formations of bile and cholesterol that are stuck in the gallbladder, liver and bilial ducts (NOT "saponified olive oil and grapefruit juice" as some would have us believe). However, isn't it alarming if you have flushed 20 times and are still seeing stones come out? Doesn't that mean that you are addressing the SYMPTOM (stone formation) instead of the CAUSE (poor diet/digestion)?
I have just completed my third flush, which was pretty successful. However, I have now added lecithin to my supplement regiment, 2tbs/day, in hopes that it will be the key to stopping the stone formation.