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Sore spot on outside of right thigh
St. Benedict Views: 1,543
Published: 14 y

Sore spot on outside of right thigh

Hey all!

Just when I thought all my Liver Flush side affects were gone, I get a sore spot on my right thigh, kind of on the outside. It feels like a big bruise on the inside, but there is no marking. It started yesterday, and nothing I can do is relieving the pain. I did a big search of these forums and I found that that spot is the gallbladder meridian! you think my gallbladder is telling me it wants a flush right now? That's the message I am getting. But again, I haven't done all the prep work--the stone crushers, apple juice, phos drops, etc. Also, it has only been 10 days since the last one. That is the only thing keeping me back--fear of the stones getting stuck (had acute pancreatitis pre-flush, no fun.) Last time I passed some really giant ones. A lot of giant ones, actually.


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