Hi everybody,
Been lurking this amazing forum for years at last I decided to do the Water Fast in 8 days :) I did the juice fast years ago for 14 days , The Master Cleanser fast for 16 days one year ago and mini master cleanser during the year .I love the salt water flush can I do it while I am Water Fasting or it will harm me ?
also I want to do it for ten days minimal I did many cleanses and I know that we can't set up a time we should listen to our body so I am kinda of scared after I read many faster journals that they experienced near death symptoms as a panic attack survivor I don't want to experience any threaten during my fast .from my reading I found out that they experienced this because of wrong post-fast ! I am I write ?I want to avoid any hard strong experience like strong heart beats . any good guider you advice me to contact I want some good one to help me throw it ?I know chris here but I don't know if he is still around and I am sorry for my long post I am just a new :P